The Bounty
Directed by Kiwi Roger Donaldson, The Bounty, starring Mel Gibson and Anthony Hopkins, is based on the infamous true story, about the friction between Captain William Bligh, and first mate, Fletcher Christian, which led to the mutiny of the title Naval ship, Bounty. This has been filmed twice before, the other two films, Mutiny on the Bounty, in 1932, and later, under the same name, in 1962. Both versions are lush and extensive, hut this version, starring Mel Gibson and Anthony Hopkins in the leading roles, is the most visceral and realistic of the three. Filmed in bold colour and with an atmospheric and moving score by Vangelis, the perfect backdrop is set for a grand and powerful drama. Ultimately, this story is about a clash of wills; that of the ship's captain, William Bligh, a harsh and sinister character, yet Hopkins plays him with compassion and depth, leaving the viewer wanting to know more about what lurks beneath his rigid and unfathomable face. This versus the energe...